Double sided wood burner in rustic brick fireplace

Double Sided Wood Burner Installation, Farnham, Surrey

This property featured a double sided open fireplace. Fireplaces like this are often the poorest performing and as you can see by the staining above the fireplace – this one had been spilling smoke for years. To give the customer a properly working, safe and efficient way of heating their room we fitted a Parkray Aspect 4, double sided wood burner. This required us to sweep and line the chimney. The hearth looked great but did require some repair work where the original fire basket has sat. The staining on the very aged brickwork was actually a great aesthetic of this fireplace – and looked great with the addition of the new, slightly modern look of the stove.

Posted in brickwork fireplace, Double Sided Log Burner, Modern Stove, wood burner installation, wood burning stove.