Bronpi HUELVA four sided log burner Hampshire

Bronpi HUELVA four sided log burner, Bucks Horn Oak, Hampshire

This unusual stove is the Bronpi HUELVA four sided log burner. It has a whopping 16Kw output which was perfect for this large open plan house in Bucks Horn Oak in Hampshire. The burner is connected to a 200mm twin wall flue system which runs up through the loft space above. The hearth is a honed granite.

The four sided aspect of this log burner is absolutely amazing. The Bronpi HUELVA has given this customer a great carbon neutral way to heat their home.

Bronpi HUELVA four sided log burner hampshire

Bronpi HUELVA four sided stove

Bronpi HUELVAfour sided stove

four sided stove farnham

Bronpi HUELVA four sided log burner Hampshire

Posted in free standing wood burner, Modern Stove, wood burner installation, wood burning stove.